Stay Away From Network Marketing Scams !

Stay Away From Network Marketing Scams !

Stay Away From Network Marketing Scams !

This is How People Get Into Network Marketing

1. There will definitely be someone around your house or in your office who may be of your level or below him, but still he may be living his life very richly.


2. You may not even have a good bike, but he would either book a cab to go everywhere or go in his own car.

3. You must have seen a very expensive phone in his hand and a very expensive watch on his wrist.

4. You must have heard him talking about big projects on the phone.


5. You must have seen photos and videos of her vacationing abroad on her Facebook and Instagram.

6. You must have also felt that despite being at our level, how is this man living such a fun life?

7. Then you find out about him from the people around you and then you come to know that the person does some kind of business.

8. Now you want to know about that business because you also want to live a rich life like him.

9. You try to establish a little rapport with that person and try to get information from him about his business.

10. That person increases your curiosity by giving you very little information about his business and then leaves you for a few days saying that at present no new person is being added to his business. It will let you know when it's added.

11. After 10 days, that person calls you and says that his company is looking for new people to further expand its business, so would you like to try your hand in that business? And just hearing this makes you happy. And with great eagerness they agree to join his business.

12. He tells you that - at present there are very few vacancies and there are many people who want to join his business. Hearing this, you get a little nervous and ask him to please somehow make him join you. He says he will try his best but cannot give any guarantee.

13. After 2 days the person calls you and says that with great difficulty he referred you to the company. You become happy after hearing this and thank him. Now he tells you that with great difficulty he has arranged for you a meeting with a senior in his company for next Sunday. If you want to join the business then you will have to come next Sunday otherwise you will not get such an opportunity again.

14. Now you leave all your work and start preparing to go to that meeting. You also become very curious. And finally the day comes when you have a meeting with the senior of that company.

15. You are called to a big hotel or restaurant for a meeting. After going to such a big hotel, you start feeling that something big is going to happen in your life.

16. You sit in the hotel with your friend and start waiting for the senior of that company. As the wait increases, your curiosity also increases. Your friend tells you that - Sir is a very busy man and he was stuck in a meeting so he is getting a little late in coming.

17. After some time, his senior appears in front of you in a wonderful suit and boots. You wish them good morning. Now his elder brother orders very expensive drinks for himself and also asks you and your friend whether you would like to eat or drink something?

18. You are unable to say much due to shyness and so your friend orders a juice for you too. You feel happy after drinking such an expensive juice and now your meeting starts.


19. The seniors of the company know about you. They ask about your family, how much you earn, etc. After some time, he calculates your salary and tells you that you will not be able to achieve much in your life even in the next 10 years and that is why you need to do business. Hearing this from him, you feel inferior in your mind and that is why you also feel like becoming rich by doing business.

20. After some time, the senior sir explains to you by giving examples of himself and many other people like him, how after joining this business, he gets checks worth lakhs every week. Make you believe that today he has so much money that he does not think before buying anything. They buy whatever they want, whenever they feel like it, and go on a trip wherever they feel like.

21. They make you realize that after joining this business you will become a millionaire in the next few years.

22. When you agree with him, he tells you that some investment is required to do any business. To do this business, you will have to invest ₹ 2,00,000 in the beginning.

23. As soon as you hear about investment, you get a little nervous because either you do not have that much money or you are afraid of investing so much money in a business. But then do you ever think that my meeting has been fixed with such a senior member of the company, lest I lose my chance of becoming a millionaire? Just because of this fear, you start trying to juggle ₹ 2,00,000 in your mind.

24. After the meeting is over, you ask your friend what will you have to do after joining the business? Your friend gives you very little information and says that after investing ₹ 2,00,000, you will be trained, after which you will have to work for the company. Even after you ask many times, you are not told more than this and the matter is ended by repeatedly citing training.

25. If you ask your friend more questions about the company's business, he finally tells you that he will not be able to explain it to you further, so if you want to do business, deposit ₹ 200000 in the next 2 days. Get it done otherwise he will take someone else into this business instead of you.


This is the story of QNET. If you do not deposit ₹2,00,000 here then you are saved from this mess. But if you invest ₹ 2,00,000 in your desire to become rich, then understand that you have made a big mistake. After investing money, you realize that to earn money, you have to fool many more people under you in the same way and get them to invest money as your friend has done to you.

QNET Scam | क्यू नेट घोटाला | सावधान रहें

Only now you feel trapped because you know that you will not be able to trap anyone else in the same way that you are trapped in the net. And with this you lose your hard-earned money of ₹ 2,00,000. 



Image Sources : Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash, Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash 

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash, Photo by Bruno Aguirre on Unsplash

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