Parizaad Story Summary In English | Total Episodes

Parizaad Story Summary In English | Total Episodes

Parizaad Story Summary In English

Parizaad Meaning In English
Meaning of Parizaad in English is : Son of a Fairy. This also means a Child who is beautiful. 

Pakistani Drama Serials are Better Than India Daily Soaps

If you have not watched any Pakistani drama serial till date, then consider that you have not watched many good TV serials. About 15-20 years ago old TV serials used to show fights between mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and family members and they used to entertain everyone a lot. Even today Indian TV serials have the same clichéd stories. On the other hand, if you watch Pakistani TV serials, you will find that most of the Pakistani drama serials are based on amazing stories.

The best thing is that Pakistani drama serials do not end like Indian Rama serials. Usually Pakistani drama serials end at 20 to 25 episodes. The best thing about Pakistani drama serials is that the stories with them are different from the old clichéd serials.

Why Parizaad Is So Pupular ?

Parizaad is a completely different story. Parizaad is the story of a very simple dark-complexioned boy from a poor family. Parizaad means son of fairy which makes it obvious that Pari's son will be very beautiful and he will not have any shortcomings. But half of the story is about a boy who often gets laughed upon due to his skin color. It is not in a person's hands to be fair or dark, nor does becoming fair or dark-skinned make a person good or bad. But still the world is not friendly to those people who look a little less attractive.

Parizaad Story Summary In English

Parizaad is born in a poor family and his mother gives him this name. However, Parizaad's father tells his mother that he is so dark looking, don't name him Parizaad otherwise the world will laugh at him. But still his mother does not agree and names him Parizaad. Parizaad slowly starts growing up. It is shown in the serial that everyone used to make fun of him because he was dark-skinned. And people used to laugh even more after hearing his name.  Because of this, Parizaad gradually became a victim of inferiority complex and started living in fear. He was very bright in studies and at the same time was a very intelligent, decent, good-hearted boy. Parizaad was a boy who had no deceit.

Because the troubled student was very good at writing, he completed his studies only by taking a stipend – also known as a scholarship.

Parizaad is The Story of Every Boy In Todays Society

After completing his studies, Parizad realizes that perhaps his studies of Urdu and poetry will be of no use to him and hence he starts working in a welding shop near his house.

Those who were jealous of Parizad were very happy to see him working in the welding shop because now he had finally finished his studies and was living his life like a labourer. On the other hand, those who sympathized with Parizad were also saddened to see Parishad working at a welding shop.

The owner of the welding shop was very happy with Parizad's work. Seeing Parizaad working very hard, one day he asked why do you work so hard, please take some rest.

Parizaad answers him and says, "I am leaving my studies and working here so that I can earn a lot of money." The owner of the welding shop explains to him that to earn a lot of money he needs to do something bigger, he will not be able to earn much money by doing only welding work. After a few days, the owner of the welding shop tells one of his friends to send Parizad to a big city.

Parizaad Becomes PZ Mir

After going to the big city, Parizad's luck changes. He joins hands with an Underworld Gangster and ultimately his fate and fortune turned the other way round and he Becomes a well known person named PZ Mir. This is how, Parizaad is a wonderful story of the life of a very ordinary boy portrayed in an amazing manner. Go and watch it !

This entire program is available on YouTube. We advise all of you to watch this serial named Parizaad and then tell us how you liked it.

Parizaad Total Episodes
Parizaad has a total of 30 Episodes.

Parizaad Actor Name
The actors who played the role of Parizaad is Ahmed Ali Akbar.

Cast of Parizaad

Parizaad - Ahmed Ali Akbar

Naheed - Ushna Shah

RJ Annie - Yumna Zaidi

Lubna - Mashal Khan

Saima - Saboor Aly

Saima's Mother - Salma Hassan

Seth Behrouz Kareem - Nauman Ejaz

Elder Sister of Parizaad - Kiran Tabeer

Parizaad's Sister In Law - Madiha Rizvi

Read More : Parizaad OST Song Meaning & Translation

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