Cruelty Behind The Milk Industry That No One Talks About

Cruelty Behind The Milk Industry That No One Talks About

Cruelty Behind The Milk Industry That No One Talks About

We all are taught since childhood that milk is very important for health and hence we all have a desire to consume more and more milk.

We all have read about the White Revolution in school. This is the same White Revolution which has fulfilled the milk requirement of such a huge population of our country.

Every day I see people buying 1 liter to 2 liters of milk. Many times I am surprised when I see that some people buy 4 to 5 liters of milk daily.

Have you ever wondered where this milk comes from? I'm sure your answer will be - cows! Yes this is true. But how is it possible for these milk dairies to provide milk for us 365 days a year?

Let us tell you how cruel the milk industry is:

1. There are big farms where hundreds of cows and buffaloes are tied at their designated small places.

2. These cows and buffaloes are artificially inseminated for conception. Because cows and buffaloes will not give milk without giving birth to children.

3. Business starts after these cows and buffaloes give birth. If the calf is male, it is usually taken straight from the mother and sold to slaughterhouses to be slaughtered, usually for veal. Imagine that a male calf becomes a product for the meat industry as soon as it is born and is killed.

4. If the calf is female, then it gets to drink some milk and the remaining milk is taken out from the udder of the cows and sold to us.

5. Do you know that the milk of these cows is extracted by machines? Sometimes they are milked so much that even blood and pus come out from the udders of the cows.

6. Once the cows and buffaloes stop giving milk, they are again artificially impregnated and the cycle continues.

7. Imagine the trauma given to a living being who is being forced to have children one after another through artificial insemination. Just think once and see how much the body of that cow or buffalo gradually becomes strained.

8. Try to feel the pain of the poor cows and buffaloes who are tied to one place all their lives. Are they born just to fill our stomach??

This is exploitation of an animal that cannot raise its voice for itself. We are all responsible for the torture of cows and buffaloes because we consume the milk meant for their babies.

People say that milk is important because it gives us Vitamin B12. Well, there are many other things that nature has given us which contain Vitamin B12, then why torture animals?? Fruits like bananas, apples and oranges are rich in Vitamin B12 and we are sure that these fruits are available everywhere.

Remember, these animals are also a form of life that have emotions and that also feel pain. We must stop our contribution in oppressing them.

I know that we all cannot stop consuming milk suddenly. But what we can do is to reduce or limit the consumption of milk in our homes. The body only needs a few micro grams of vitamin B12 and your body will absorb only the amount it needs. There is no need to drink a lot of milk every day. Please reduce your milk intake and take other plant-based supplements instead.

Remember, if you buy milk, you are indirectly paying for and complicit in the torture of cows and buffaloes and other dairy animals.

Image Source Just for Reference : Thanks to the image owners.
Photo by cottonbro studio:
Photo by Ouça e Relaxe:
Photo by Mark Stebnicki:
Photo by Mark Stebnicki:
Photo by Pixabay:

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